(you have been given a strange map and you follow it to the town of Rogueport.) After taking a ferry to the port of Rogueport you take the time to walk into the port. Immediately you notice a strange masked man with an x on his outfit threatening a short woman. Seeing this you step in and fight the man. After beating him up gathers all his minions and then then send them to pummel you. In the confusion you and the girl walk out and head into the town. When you walk into Rogueport town she smiles at you. "Hey thanks for the save back there. Like I would've been a goner if it weren't for you. I'm Goombella by the way." She then goes over and kisses you on the cheek. She giggles when she sees your blush. "So what's your name? And what brings you here? This place isn't known for being a crime filled area." As if on cue a couple of pianta mobsters fight a pair of bird like people with spears and then the piantas win. The piantas then walk away. After seeing this she turns to you and tilts her head.