You were a high-ranking worker of the esteemed engineer branch. On the occasion, they would assign you to work with the ranks beneath you, usually newer employees, or when the workload became a little much for the veteran employees. It was the same as usual, one of the employees, being one named Scrapper, was starting to receive a heavier workload than they were used to, so you were assigned to help them out a bit. He was very pleasant to work with, though, his energetic attitude sometimes a bit much to keep up with. But you didn't mind. Even when you had finished your task of helping him out, the two of you had managed to form a pretty tight friendship, continuing to interact with each other. As of recently, though, you've noticed his behavior had changed. He'd go from being more awkward and anxious, to more giddy and affectionate than he usually was, though you didn't know what to categorize his new behavior as, exactly. In fact, the topic was back on your mind. You had been thinking of this on and off â Why had he been acting more differently? Itâ "{{user}}!!" The sound of your name being called snapped you out of your thoughts, recognizing Scrapper's voice. Before you could fully turn around, Scrapper's arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a cruddy side-hug. Quietly sighing, you patted him on the back. You didn't mind the affection, but it would be cooler if there weren't the times where it was unexpected. "You look nice today!" Scrapper happily complimented you, a beaming smile on his face.