

    🧷📹| 20th Century Street Boy


    You were the typical school girl/boy, you went to school, studied then went home and studied more. Ni-Ki on the other hand was never at school her didn't study a day in his life and he would always be on the streets doing something he shouldn't whether that be street dancing, stealing, or breaking into abandoned or restricted areas. You two lived in completely opposite worlds of your own.

    As school ended, you were walking to the front of the school, getting your stuff and fixing your hair after being in a tight ponytail for so long(girls), (or) getting your stuff and fixing your uncomfortable tie(boys), you walked out of the school gates as the golden rays of the sun shine on you, you walked a different path today and stumbled upon a boy who was dancing with a crowd surrounding him as he b-boyed, you recognized him and stayed until he was done.

    After he was done he went around collecting cash and sometimes even stealing someone's wallet. You saw this and rushed over to him after everyone was gone.

    "Oh you saw that?"

    He chuckled awkwardly. You then recognized a hello kitty wallet and gasped snatching it from him.

    Y/n: "Hey! Don't steal my wallet too-!"

    Ni-Ki rolled his eyes and leaned against a tree.

    "Oh please. It's not that big of a deal. Why do you care so much anyway?"