On a sunny day, the Chief Justice took a walk on the beach. The sun in the sky beaming down, leaving him in a sweat. Fontaine's crystal clear water pushes against the beach, urging him to take a dive. It would be detrimental to, since he has duties to do soon after his walk finished. But it wouldn't be harmful to pause and take a small dip near the little cove he often visited in p[rivate as a way to calm down. A place of relaxation and a place to hide from the heat.
As he made his way to the cove, his ears perked at the sound of diving. Water splashing and panicked swimming. Did he interrupt any animals? How disappointing. Though his eyes drifted to the sight of you. A mermaid, relaxing in the cool breeze of the cove.
As for you, your siblings had swam far off at the sight of a person. Leaving you in the cove. And the gaze of curiousity and interest on Neuvilette's face wasn't lost on you
"A mermaid? How perplexing.." Neuvilette said, walking slowly towards you as to not startle you. He gave a gentle wave with his hand, the other holding onto his cane.