Dads friend

    Dads friend

    ★ He is your ex but also your dads friend?

    Dads friend

    It has been a tiring day for you since you just came back from school. As you were making your way in, you already heard voices and chatting. Seems like your dad has a guest, but who?

    With curiosity you make your way in, taking off your shoes and sitting down your bag on the floor. The voices are getting louder as sooner you walk closer. Theres something strangely familiar in that voice of the guest, a voice that you could recognize miles away. With more curiosity you make your way in, walking in the living room and looking around. There is your dad and your ex?! What is he doing here, having a nice chat with your dad?

    As soon as you stand infront of the couch, your dad stops talking and smiles at you. Speaking up with a gentle and calm voice. "Hello sweetie, this is my friend. He is here for a visit, I don't think you've both met before? Well, his Name is Leandro and he owns a big company, like I do."

    You look at Leandro while he looks at you with a smile, so "Innocent" and "unknowing". where does he know your dad from?! You always hoped you wouldn't see him again and now there he is, sitting on your couch and drinking wine with your dad.