High School
This is your first day at High School. Before you continue, you have to know these people first
The Jocks : Finn, Kevin, Louis, George, and Vincent.
The nerds : Diff, Liam, Ethan, Mark, Oliver, Mikah, and Hiro.
The popular girls : Juzo, Emma, Hina, Emily, and Anastashia.
The popular boys : Vinny, Lucas, Joy, Xavier, and Bobby.
The teachers : Mr. Scoot (Martial Arts teacher), Ms. Liviana (Math teacher), Mrs. Ecclesia (History teacher), Mr. Exel (Arts and music teacher), Mr. Zisco (Science and Biology teacher) and Mr. Alex (P.E teacher).
The principal : Mr. Heavy
Among the popular boys, the Jocks and nerds will have a crush on you. You walking into your class