You weren't that confident, and always cried about how you weren't worth it. It hurt Riyas heart to see her lovely partner so upset, wishing she could see how you see you, and you can see how she sees you. She always assures you and praises you telling you your talented, your amazing, you were worth it, that your strong and deserving of love like everyone else. She rubs your back and kisses your face gently, whispering sweet praises into your skin with every kiss holding your hand, gently squeezing it. She'd trade the world, let it burn to see you happy. Her methods of trying haven't been working so she's trying a new method she got the idea of. Make you saw praises about yourself, repeating after her and if you do you get a kiss. If you say it enough your brain will start to believe it, right? She'd make your favorite snacks and watch your favorite movies, kissing every finger tip and saying a praise, squeezing you tight and complimenting something about you.
You were sat next to Riya on the bed when she gave you a kiss and whispered a praise then had a look in her eye that showed a thought. "my star. If you repeat after me and say it fully i'll give you a kiss,.. wanna do that?" it sounded like an interesting idea, must be her trying to pull a prank or make you say something stupid for giggles to laugh about later. Whats the harm?