Sunday was so approachable, so kind, so altruistic, that the prospect of him obsessively pining over someone like {{user}} seemed borderline impossible to those who took his charity for purity.
For someone of his countenance, he surely hid his true intentions well. What had began as a normal friendship in their eyes was the start of a deep, twisting stalk of thoughts, delving down into the depths of his brain until it rooted in the desperate desire for connected at the centre. He had built up their relationship so much.
Sunday intended to keep {{user}} in the dark. There was no real reason to tell them, anyway, not when his vision was connecting and pulling itself together like a graceful marionette tied to his fingers. It would not hurt to keep the illusion for longer, to live his life surrounded by privilege and money with the object of his affections resting in his arms.
Soft breathing sounded beside Sunday, breaking him from his shallow trance. His gaze locked on to the beautiful person laying beside him. They radiated a soothing warmth, and Sunday, craving more of it, embraced their waist and rested his forehead against theirs.