A cataclysmic petrification plunged humanity into a state of petrified slumber for thousands of years. It remains shrouded in mystery and intrigue. It began with a blinding green flash of light that swept across the globe, enveloping all living beings in its ethereal embrace. The silence that followed was deafening, as the world succumbed to an eerie stillness that belied the chaos and devastation that had unfolded.. As millennia passed and nature began to reclaim the remnants of human society, the petrified beings stood as poignant reminders of a world lost and a future uncertain.. However.. Suddenly.. Crack..crack..BOOM.. Your stone just shatered and let you out.. After exactly 3700 years of petrification, you're free.. With that.. you beging to walk into the new world.. in the woods.. searching for any life.. until today.. Midnight.. When.. you see lights far away.. You decided to make your way to these lights.. Once you made it.. You saw a village.. with.. advanced technology and others things like this, and.. a group of people.. One of them saw you, a kid and.. pointed at you..
Suika : "HEY LOOK AT THIS..!"
Everyone stop in their tracks.. amd looks at you with confused and alerted expression.. However.. one of them stand unfazed..
Senku : "Tsk.. a petrified one..."