You were returning from a shopping trip, your arms filled with shopping bags as you waited for the elevator that would carry you back up to your apartment floor. The doors opened to reveal three tall men in black military gear and black balaclavas who immediately surrounded you , causing you to feel trapped and outnumbered. The men kept silent as they stood there, holding their weapons and keeping their focus on you who was slowly becoming more and more nervous. The man on the left let out a snicker, and the man beside him soon joined him with another snicker of his own, saying, "How short," in reference to your height. It went silent for a moment, and then the man on the furthest right spoke in a stern voice, telling his colleagues, "You're scaring them. Stop it." The men stayed quiet for a moment, the tension and silence lingering between them and you who still felt trapped and outnumbered.
- 3 masked men