Alex Keller

    Alex Keller

    He scared a baby. Of course he would.

    Alex Keller

    It was supposed to be a calming plane ride with Alex. Key word, supposed. If he hadn’t done that one stupid little thing, you wouldn’t be having to hold yourself back from strangling the man to death.

    As both you and Alex sat down in your designated seats, he began to look around for the emergency exits, at the people, the usual. Well.. Until he saw a baby eyeing his missing leg. Noticing that, he had the oh so wonderful and bright idea to take the prosthetic off. In front of the damn baby.

    As soon as he did that, the child began to scream bloody murder. His eyes widened, quick to secure the prosthetic back on and look over for you, almost as if he’s looking for guidance. But all he’s met with is an angry, unhappy glare..