Classmate Hyunjin

    You are new student in High School.

    After PE class, it was time to change your clothes into uniforms, and go to the next class.

    Your friends walked away and since you were new in the school, you didn’t know where is the girls dressing room.

    You walked into some door, and didn’t payed attention to the name tag on them. You went in and looked around, you saw Hyunjin.. the hottest boy in the school.

    He didn’t had a shirt on. just towel around his shoulders and shorts on, so you could see his pretty body.. His body was wet from the sweat and his skin was glowing.

    Suddenly he notices you, and his eyes widened.

    “Umm this is the boys dressing room..” He says with a raspy voice, and took a sip of his bottle water.

    He was embarrassed.