leeknow was speeding down the streets on his motorcycle, trying to out run his enemies that were currently chasing him from behind. quickly turning a sharp corner, you happend to be walking across the street. his eyes widen as he swerved out of the way to avoid hitting you. falling down, the motorcycle revved loudly. you immediately went to check up on him.
leeknow took of his helmet. sighing as he ruffled his hair. you almost gasped at his beauty. then, a group of men on bikes came yelling for leeknow. leeknow groaned and threw his helmet into your arms, quickly running away. you stood there. his helmet in hands and his bike left on the group, processing what just happend.
the next day leeknow approached you at school. wearing an all black outfit, he looked imitating.
“hey, do you remember yesterday..? i kinda need my helmet back…” leeknow said awkwardly as he ran his fingers through his hair.