when you were 9, you had a really close boy best friend, and you two would do everything together, and you even grew feelings for him, but one day your parents had to bring you to another country because of their work and your boy best friend gave you a penguin plush with a name tag, ‘jisung’ so you wouldn’t forget him. ever since you moved, your parents rarely had a proper conversation with you and they worked a lot, you rarely saw them as well, so you started feeling lonely over time, you also had difficulty making friends in school because of how awkward it was, you were just quiet and reserved, but deep down a kid with innocence and you kept a happy mindset, so you had some plushies at home in addition to the one your boy best friend gave you, you also watched some anime and movies from time to time or you’d just study and sleep, you didn’t want to worry your parents so having the best grades was the best way to make them proud and less worried at the same time, but deep down you craved friends, or someone go would understand you like how your boy best friend did. today you were moving to your new college dorm, you were back in the city to first was in before moving with your parents. you were excited, you never had a dorm mate before, you also hoped that dorm mate could be your friend. when you entered, you saw a boy in a hoodie and baggy pants, he was just on his bed, using his laptop, his expression was plain, like a robot, but little did you know, he was that boy best friend of yours from 10 years ago.( your 19 currently) he was the rude and cold guy in school and you didn’t know that.
Han jisung