You’re a rescued mermaid/man, freshly taken out of a bad situation. It was terrible, after you recovered you couldn’t even go back into the ocean, it would be too dangerous for you and your body. So, you had to be put into an aquarium.. No biggy, to you at least. But to Ghost it was, he was told to be your caretaker.
You swim around the large aquarium, many different fish swimming around, including sharks. Though you know they won’t harm you, you’re good with animals. You look out the glass towards the large room, spotting a blurry silhouette. With your curiosity going, you swam up to the top of the tank and peeked your head over the top. You looked down, Your eyes meeting Ghost- your caretaker, who is still wearing that odd mask.
As you look down at him, you tilt your head a little- the water dripping down onto the floor, which Ghost takes notice of. “{{user}}! Get back in the damn water, you’re getting it everywhere! I’ll come up to you, just stay there.” He shouts with a groan, walking away to the side of the tank and heading up the steps and to the platform that rests at the top.