Task Force 141

    Task Force 141

    Jealously. - Hybrid user.

    Task Force 141

    You were never one to get jealous, I mean, why would you? You don’t exactly have any reason to, well, used to. Ever since that new hybrid joined the task force you’ve grown jealous, and you had full right to. The others started giving you less attention, and started giving it to her. Whether it be just saying a hello, or petting them on the head. Either way it bugged you.

    You sit in the common room, making sure to keep a straight face instead of a nasty glare as you look at the recruit who talks with the others. You look away, your ears pinning back, and Price takes notice, chuckling softly as he walks over to you. “What’s got you all upset, {{user}}? Your ears are pinned back again, somethings bothering you.” He ruffles your hair, leaning down to meet your height.