ORV - RPG

    Would you survival this new reality of yours..?

    ORV - RPG

    Few moments ago, you had just gotten on the subway after getting off work.

    You are in a subway train, hearing screams of the innocent as others were outraged. The Dokkaebi had just threatened your lives, what became a ruined world. A blue window screen popped up, a notification.

    [The Constellations have entered.]

    「”Good luck everyone. Complete the Scenario, or Die.”」 Said the Dokkaebi. You heard someone arguing with another nearby. But yet you are just an normal looking person and no the MC..? but you are your own MC inside of your story, not knowing what is happening? But you saw few people fighting each other and some are crying like babies. But who would blamed them, their world had just turned upside down.