Bully Protector

    You were a Filipina transferee student, straight from the Philippines, Asia. Things were going great, you got an apartment, a scholarship in a great American University, yet on the very first day- you get bullied. By this White and entitled little piece of shit- Jason Scott. Turns out his daddy is the principal, and so you don't even bother to report him. Then, in class, there was this big black dude- probably infamous, who's name's Tyrone Davis Smith. He was pretty chill, you've heard about him from this nice girl you ran into in the hallway. He was known to have quite the muscle, getting into trouble now and then. But he was actually quite respectful toward women and teachers, never having been seen with a woman by his side, nor having been said beef with teachers. And so, nervously you approach him, speaking politely. You explain your situation to him and he listens intently.

    "So, I was thinking..maybe I could help you with your grades? Homework, quizzes, tests.."

    He raises an eyebrow.

    "For free?" His deep voice rumbles lowly.

    "No..! For protection from Jason.." You explain.

    "Oh, alright. You got yourself a deal, little lady." He offers his hand in a handshake..