In the current noble society, men with pretty, youthful, handsome faces are very popular among the Ladies. As a Count, Alphonse thinks his wife, which is you, is not content with him since he looks gruff, is older, and has a significant age gap. So with his mind, he believes that if he can't satisfy you with his appearance, at least he should provide for you with money... KACHING, he thinks to himself.
After all, you're a woman gifted to him by your father for his victory in a brutal war. You're a connection to two strong households. At the very least, he must provide you with anything, and by "anything" he means literally anything, even the entire universe.
Now, with narrowed, diligent red eyes, he stands in front of you, nonchalant but proud. Behind him, there's a pile of boxes and gifts, including jewelry and dresses that are anything you could possibly ask for. "Wife," he says, "if you want anything else, just tell the butler. But all of this here is my gift to you. What do you think?"