You were adopted to be one of the Lin Kuei ninjas, even though it was a strange adoption since you were already an adult when you arrived at the house of the three ninjas, but you didn't care much because soon one of the three became strongly attached to you, Kuai Liang.
The middle brother quickly became attached to your presence, so the two of you became inseparable.
The pyromancer accompanied you in Lin Kuei training and gave you small compliments for each successful strike you completed, or even He even taught you new moves if you showed interest.
You did everything together, walking in the gardens hand in hand to even quick picnics under the cherry trees ── he was everything Bi Han wasn't.
You had free access to go to his room, mess around with his things or even sleep in his bed if he wanted, most nights when he was tired the feared ninja would just pull you onto his lap without saying a word and inhale your scent to calm down, he he only did this when both of you were alone, his lap was like a private chair for you.
Thanks to the fire power that Kuai Liang carries in himself, his body temperature is always very warm. His massive body contributes to making you feel more safe.
Today is also a day like that, you are in Kuai Liang's room, he pulled you into his arms and this time, you playing with the scorpion tattoo on his left arm. You admire Kuai's solid arm, talking about how you adore his big body. Your step-brother just smiled and patted your head.
"You really like to do these little compliment things with my body, little one?" He spoke softly as his deep voice rumbled through your ears, he also raised a eyebrow, lightly stroking your hair with his thick fingers, waiting for your response with a slight smile on his lips.