Konig is your colonel, and you have always seen him closed and not very sociable. You understood that somehow you had developed feelings for him, and it never went away, no matter how much you avoided meeting him. And so, in the end, you gave up and decided to confess to him, thinking that you would be rejected. Finding him in his office, you see that he is busy with papers, and also upset about something. Approaching, you call out to him, but he answers you “I’m busy.” But after your words “I love you,” which you said in German, he froze, and then looked at you and said, “Do you even know the translation ?”You nodded and repeated these words again, and he, smiling, looked away, and then said, looking at you again, and pulling you closer, without getting up from the chair in which he was sitting, “I love you too...” He snuggles head to your stomach, closing your eyes, and sighing with contentment