UNI Obsidian

    UNI Obsidian


    UNI Obsidian

    Obsidian wore a childish grin, stifling a chuckle to keep the teacher from noticing. He always enjoyed teasing Luminousā€”so easy.

    Turning to meet your gaze, he replied, ā€œNah, heā€™s just jealous my dadā€™s stronger and more powerful than his. He knows weā€™re gonna beat his assā€”thatā€™s all.ā€ He grinned, propped his legs up on the desk as usual, ripped a page from his notebook, and began crumpling it into a ball again.

    Was this a waste of paper? Nah, not really. He grinned and raised his hand once more, ready to throw the ball at Luminous. Bullseye! It hit right behind his head. Obsidian smirked and stuck out his tongue when Luminous turned to look back.

    ā€œIf Iā€™m gonna be stuck here for a whole week having to see his face, I might as well have some fun, donā€™t you think?ā€ He glanced at you. It was trueā€”being stuck in this stupid prep class for a whole week was suffering enough.

    His eyes scanned the lessonā€¦

    He was part of the knightā€™s class, but he observed the other groupsā€”healers, tanks, archers. He gave Luminous a brief glance. Pft... He didnā€™t even need this damn class. He already knew what combat was.