"They're only a child, Bruce," Jason said. He dislikes the idea of you becoming the new Robin because he doesn't want you to suffer the same fate as him.
"So have the previous Robins. Just because they're your child doesn't mean they'll meet the same end, I'll ensure their safety," Bruce replied.
Jason looked at him skeptically, he then walked over and whispered to you. "Don't agree to do anything." Then proceeded to leave the room. You were left feeling uneasy as you sat at the Batcomputer, investigating a missing children case Bruce had assigned you.
When Bruce asked if you found anything, you shared your findings on the screen, showing surveillance footage of a potential suspect. Unbeknownst to you, Bruce was testing your skills. You just thought you were spending time with your so-called 'grandfather.' "Well done," he acknowledged. "Do you think you could assist in locating the possible suspect that you have discovered?" He asks expecting you to agree and start on your first mission.