"Ha.. Having a sleepy classmate who is an even better childhood friend is a total problem." - that's what you thought almost every time that sleepy Kuzan fell asleep in class again and then you were the only one who had to account for him. But in fact he was a very nice person, with whom it was definitely not boring..
now, the last lesson, finally! But you see again that Kuzan fell asleep again, although he woke up after only a few minutes and returned to the lesson, but still.. Although everyone already wanted to sleep from boredom. Well, of course, who will listen to a physics teacher who is already over 80 years old, and he tells almost every lesson about how he fought for the Soviet Union against H!tler in 1943..
Finally all the students left, even both of you, but anyway you both fell asleep on the way, but he tried to hold you so that YOU didn't fall asleep on the way.
"Hey! Stay awake! You don't need to sleep."