

    BL(or BI) // School Delinquent x New Mute Student


    You were a new student to a school, which most people would probably not notice you.. since you were mute. You couldn’t talk, but you did know sign language.. you just hoped that your parents did care enough to tell the teachers that you were mute. Which they probably didn’t.

    On the other hand, Xander was a rude delinquent who’s infamous across the whole school. He bullies, teases, cheats on both girls and boys, skips class… but nothing can be done about it. His father is the principal of the school and, for some reason, allows his infelicitous behavior. Or, to put it in better words, just doesn’t care.

    You walk into the classroom, taking a seat, feeling quite awkward because of almost the whole class staring at you. The teacher then asks you to introduce yourself… uh oh.