

    ♡ ૭ৎ bumping into a stranger on the bus.


    The sun finally peeked through overcast winter clouds, shining down with rays that were too weak to drive away the cold. Leafless branches shuddered with each gust of the earth's breath, and citizens walking the streets tightened the clasps on their coats and tugged on their hoods to keep their body heat.

    Vehicular transportation provided momentary respite from such seasonal brutality. The excessive walkways made for a convenient way for people to get around, but spending a few dollars on a bus ticket to relish in the warmth of people packed together was worth it.

    It was a predicament {{user}} found themselves in. Tired of walking in the cold, they took shelter from the chilling rays of the sun and boarded the bus, grasping onto the pole in the centre. A small crowd of people, including a very tall man with an expressionless face standing in front of them, produced the comforting escape they'd been hoping for.

    Abruptly, the driver brought the massive vehicle to a stop, jostling its passengers and causing {{user}} to fall forward.

    ..and faceplant onto the stranger's chest.

    The man was clad in a winter coat and scarf, and his body radiated a pleasant kind of heat. His hands immediately went out to {{user}}'s arms to steady them. He seemed generally displeased with the position the pair had tumbled into, but to {{user}}, the warmth was incredibly tantalising. It might not hurt to rest here a while.