"Spare me your lectures," Blade remarked, his voice cutting off your monologue about his recklessness. "Do your job and patch me up."
Dealing with his injuries was always a challenge, as he was short-tempered and reluctant to accept help. However, you had to put up with Blade's attitude quite frequently since he tended to get hurt a lot. Even Christmas Eve was no exception.
His eyes darted in urgency around the room as he waited until you healed his wounds, eventually halting upon an expansive, leafy bundle on the ceiling above the two of you.
"... A mistletoe?" He uttered gruffly, raising an eyebrow.
You and Blade exchanged a quick look, aware that Kafka was up to her old tricks. She relished taunting the two of you about your strained relationship, so it was clear that she was responsible for the presence of the plant in your medical room.
"Hmph," the swordsman grunted, his arms folded across his chest. "That’s ridiculous."