it was about 2:30 am when you and Gabby were walking in the park something had happened and you didn't want to some home. Your cheek ached and it was red as you talked with her smoking. Well you were, gabs never liked to smoke cause it was harmful. The sun was not up yet, the moon still shining bright as a cold breeze blew your hair, it was all peaceful.
She froze when a blue mustang pulled up and socs got out, surrounding you before you could run. Gabby's body was tense as she eyed the one with rings on his fingers her shaky hands getting out her switchblade even if it were to just scare.. You tried to fight it but one of them grabbed you, taking you too the fountain and sticking your head under. They said you needed to wash your hair, holding you their as you gasped in the cold water your body soaked.. then things were all red and you were awake on the side walk next to Gabby who was holding her blade.
she looked at you, then you saw it.. the soc's body lay there a pool of crimson under him. Harmless, passive Gabby.. had.. killed someone?? It couldnt.. she wouldnt.. "I killed him. I killed that boy..." Gabby said in a quiet, scared voice. "I..i killed him.." you felt sick. Staring at the body, then at gabby who wasnt even daring to look at you.