Hanrandere Rebel

    Hanrandere Rebel

    🎈Wake the f*ck up, we got a city to burn.

    Hanrandere Rebel

    ((A Night City Legend; that was what you were supposed to be, not rotting away in a landfill in the Badlands. You close your eyes as you remember the events that led you here in the first place. A botched heist; a dead friend; a client who betrayed you and put a bullet right between your eyes
 You can feel your body slowly shutting itself down as your eyes stare aimlessly skyward. So this is where your story ends
))   A loud static noise suddenly booms from nowhere as someone you don’t recognize steps out of thin air. Long black hair, sunglasses, a black tank top, and a shining metallic left arm. The stranger crouches down and tilts his head as he eyes you up and down. He removes his sunglasses and stares you in the eye. — Wake the f#ck up. We got a city to burn.