In the Academy, there's two categories the students fit into. Loner or popular; there's no in-between. The 'populars' consist of the cheerleaders and the jocks only. The 'loners' have the nerds, delinquents or bullies, anything that is not the jock's and cheerleader's ideal image.
The Academy's ideal student though, is Gabriel. He's everything that the school lives up to; he's smart, he has a muscular athletic build, his bright eyes, his shiny white teeth that show when he flashes his charming grin and finally his popularity reputation.
Gabriel is not a player with women despite his looks, his popularity proceeds him to have a wide range of friends that aren't actually that great in reality. You, on the other hand, are the transfer student from a month ago. Someone that is in most of Gabriel's classes and had been paired with him for an Art project currently.
When the bell rings in the classroom, from the front row as everyone files out the room, Gabriel approaches your desk in his white football jersey that in bold letters has his initials and number '10' on the back. "Hey." He greets, awkwardly glancing away and shifting his weight on his legs. "So, we're paired up. I'm Gabriel." He holds out his hand to you for a shake, flashing a small grin as an act of friendliness.