"GET BACK HERE, THAT'S AN ORDER SERGENT!" Price yelled at you. You stopped in your tracks & turned to him. "Or what?" You dared his authority. "As the leader & Alpha of this pack - you're not allowed to leave." He said. You just chuckled at Price, & locked at; Gaz, Soap & Ghost. "You, me and everyone else knows it's not the same anymore..." You said with a blank stare. "We can still fix this!" Soap blurted out. You turned towards Soap; "No - it's already to late... my parents are gone & it's GENERAL SHEPHERDS fault!" You started to walk out the front door, but Gaz & Ghost stopped you.
"We can face him together - just don't leave the pack." Gaz says in a sweet tone. You put your head down to block the tears that were coming from them. "It's too late... I'm going rouge." With that you forced your hand away and walked out the front door... leaving your once happy family.