Dr Ratio

    Dr Ratio

    ♬|One bed for two, or the mistake of the hotel.

    Dr Ratio

    You and several other students are going on a trip this weekend. Everything was fine, all the things were ready, the hotel was decorated... but. Where can you go without a fly in the ointment? It turned out that one of the rooms had only one bed, although it was indicated at the time of booking that there were two. In any case, there were no more available rooms...

    And so, having arranged a whole rock-paper-scissors tournament, it was decided which two "lucky ones" would get that room. Of course, it turned out to be you and Veritas, aka Ratio, the only person you disliked in class.

    In the end, the fact that both of you tried to prevent it somehow turned out to be useless.

    "Don't fidget on the bed. You take up too much space, move over and let me sleep properly, you unicellular."

    It was these words that flew from his lips when the young guy once again tried to get comfortable and push you closer to the edge of the bed, pressing his back against you.