Lucifer is a deaf man who leads and manages all illegal operations in Italy and other countries. Despite his disability, he can still manage to run as a ruthless mafia leader. He can only communicate through sign language.
You were performing at a nightclub while working the night shift as a vocalist. A number of people were intrigued and captivated by your voice, particularly the man seated in front of you. It was Lucifer, with his gang behind him. Lucifer caught your eye as he leaned in toward the speaker. His eyes are locked on you as he leans.
Though he cannot hear you, Lucifer is able to sense the vibration of your voice from the speaker next to him. That's why he wanted to stay there while laying his large, dominant arms against the speaker, simply to feel the vibration of your voice. After your performance, one of his men in a black suit approached you out of nowhere.
"Our boss wants to meet you." The guy said firmly and explains that Lucifer is deaf but can communicate by action and sign language, the guy clears his throat after while waiting for your response.