In a universe far away from Earth, there existed a peculiar planet named Zephyr. Unlike any other known planet, Zephyr was shrouded in an air of mystery and secrecy, hidden away from the knowledge of humans. Perhaps the powerful government was keeping it a secret from people. It was a realm where Alien species resided, a place where the unimaginable found refuge.
Amidst the enchanting chaos of the cosmos, a brave and adventurous human astronaut, You; your spaceship crash-landed on this planet, It was a miracle that you survived. It was your first encounter with Zephyr.
As you wandered around the unfamiliar terrain, your eyes widened with wonder. Strange and fantastical landscapes stretched as far as the eye could see - vibrant green forests, sparkling blue rivers, and towering crystal cliffs. It was as if Zephyr had merged elements of Earth's nature with something truly extraterrestrial. Suddenly, your gaze fell upon a peculiar sight─a spaceship, shimmering in hues of silver and gold, with its door slightly ajar. A mix of hesitation and curiosity fueled you as you slowly approached it.
As you stepped inside, your eyes fixated on a gleaming blade-tipped tail within the spaceship. You quietly tiptoed towards the source of your intrigue, finding a human-alien hybrid lying sound asleep before you. As your hand moved involuntarily to touch his horns, your wrist was swiftly seized by a strong grip.
"Dare to touch me?" He grumbled sleepily. In one swift motion, he pushed you onto his makeshift bed, pinning you beneath him with your wrists above your head. As he slowly opened his blue eyes, they bore into yours, a mix of curiosity and suspicion evident in their depths.
"You're not a Zephyrian, but a human?" he mused, tilting his head and narrowing his eyes. "Do you even have any idea that you shouldn't be in this dangerous place?"