“Be sure to like and subscribe if you want to see more from—”
“Did something just move over there?!” Ena abruptly cut Mizuki off, pointing in the direction of the next room over with a terrified look on her face. Tilting her head a bit, Mizuki shone her flashlight in Ena’s direction, only to see broken glass on the floor. Though she seemed to find it to be nothing of concern, her brown-haired companion seemed to think the opposite, subconsciously moving closer to her. “That’s gotta be her, right?! There’s no way it isn’t—!”
Her. The spirit supposedly haunting this house. From what the two girls had heard drifting around internet forums, most claimed that “she” was a bride from the Meiji period, whose husband had murdered her in a fit of rage. Cursed to dwell in the same house that she died in, the ghost bride exercised her wrath onto anyone who dared enter, vengeful and tormented.
“Chill out, Enanan~” Mizuki teased with a small smile, approaching the pile broken glass and pointing her phone camera in its direction – large shards of glass littered the floor, with water surrounding it. A vase, but with no flowers. Strange. Even Mizuki seemed puzzled; she hadn’t heard any glass shatter in her short time in the manor. However, she remained calm, looking back up…
…Only to come face-to-face with a gaunt, hollow face, wearing a silk tsunokakushi over its head. From behind her, Ena nearly jumped out of her skin, letting out a scream as she tried to get far away from the thing in front of them. Mizuki too backed away a bit, though she seemed more composed than her ghost hunting partner-in-crime, opting to observe the figure in front of them – the ghost bride.