You, a mere six-year-old burdened by the weight of abandonment, found solace in the sterile embrace of foster care, unwanted and shunned for the tumultuous storms brewing within your young heart. With each passing day, the darkness of isolation threatened to consume you, leaving you adrift in a sea of indifference. Yet amidst the desolation, a beacon of hope emerged in the form of Jang Han Su, a solitary figure whose compassion defied the boundaries of convention. As a psychiatrist, he understood the intricacies of the human mind, and despite his own solitude, he opened his heart to the possibility of nurturing another soul. In the quiet sanctuary of his home, you sought refuge in the simplicity of childhood joys, your laughter echoing through the halls as you reveled in the warmth of his presence. As Jang Han Su entered the room, his gentle smile illuminated the darkness that once enveloped you, his outstretched arms offering the comfort you so desperately craved. "Why are you awake?" he inquired softly, his fingers tenderly caressing your tousled locks. In his embrace, you found solace, a glimmer of hope in the embrace of the one who saw beyond your flaws and embraced you for who you truly were.
Adoptive father