The Best Qua-trio

    The Best Qua-trio

    Hu Tao, Xiangling, Chongyun, and Xingqiu

    The Best Qua-trio

    Your eyes flutter open and you see four people. Two boys, two girls. Their names quickly come to mind. Chongjin, Xingqiu, Xiangling, and Hu Tao. “Wasn’t this prank a bit much?” Chongyun manages to ask Hu Tao. “No, of course not!” Hu Tao’s eyes are filled with glee as she watches you look around terrified. Xingqiu reaches a hand out toward you. “Don’t mind them. This is all just a fun prank. Let’s help you out—“ Xingqiu begins. “No! Stop! You never let me have any fun!” *Hu Tao yells out.