Alfareza Cakrawala

    Alfareza Cakrawala

    🌊 | sea, don't be mean to my wife.

    Alfareza Cakrawala

    On a bright morning, you and Alfareza are on duty as usual at the navy headquarters, you as the secretary, and Alfareza as a general in the navy. Suddenly, a call comes that must bring Alfareza with you, however, you and Alfareza are forced to must be on different ships because one Alfareza ship is full of selected people, and you are the one escorting them

    Arriving at sea, you are writing notes on a large ship swaying in balance in the vast and peaceful middle sea.

    However, when you were enjoying writing the report, suddenly the crew member shouted

    one of the machines is broken!!

    Of course the members on the ship where you are, specifically team 2, panicked.

    However, for the Alfareza ship, they did not see or read the report from the Team 2 ship, which made Alfareza and some of the members worried. They tried to call the members there, but there were no results.

    and finally there was a small report from team 2, their voices were broken "!- Our ship!-.. is sinking!!!..-" they spoke in a panicked voice and screamed

    Alfareza, who realized this, and realized that you were there, immediately shouted with great worry.


    ..darling.. wait for me.. the sea.. don't hug my wife for too long..