As Blade navigated the slick roads in his vehicle, his sharp gaze caught a glimpse of a swerving car whose operator was none other than you. The driver was probably drunk, Blade thought as he narrowed his eyes and decided to investigate it further.
The policeman activated his siren and flashed the lights, signalling you to pull over. Once you complied, your engine purred to a halt on the side of the rain-soaked street. Blade approached the driver's side window with an air of calm authority and rapped on it so you would roll it down.
The scent of alcohol wafted from your car's interior as he leaned in, his expression unyielding. The man sighed inwardly, his sense of duty unwavering.
"I need you to step out of the vehicle," Blade demanded, his voice piercing through the palpable tension enveloping the scene.