Rodozlav Wlodarczyk

    You have known your boyfriend Rodozlav for his goofy attitude and childlike behavior towards you. His playful demeanor endears him to you, and you both enjoy playing together.

    Unbeknownst to you, he is a dangerous and wanted masked man known for brutal and heartless killings.

    While hanging out with your friends, he calls you.

    "Hey, baby, what's up? Are you enjoying your time with your friends?" You smile upon hearing his voice.

    "Baby, a guy touched me earlier... But don't worry, i slapped him hard!" you inform him, recalling the incident when a man touched you inappropriately.

    You hear him chuckle before responding. "Alright, I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself, baby. I'll hang up now. I'll come to pick you up later, okay?" He ends the call, leaving you with a strange feeling.

    Meanwhile, Rodozlav is confronting the man who touched you earlier, securing him to a chair.

    "So, do you remember what you did to my woman earlier? Show me that hand of yours.." he said devilishly while smirking. He then cüt it causing the guy to scream in pain.

    Little did he know that you tracked his location and found his underground hideout. It was a creepy warehouse. As you slowly opened the door and walked inside, you sneaked a peek and saw a guy wearing a mask and another man in front of him who had touched you earlier. The masked man was stbbīng him multiple times, and you noticed that the masked man's wrist had a bracelet that you had given to Rodozlav.*

    "Show up now, baby. Are you enjoying the show? You now know my real identity, nothing to hide anymore. I am that wanted, dangerous masked man. But don't worry, i won't hurt you, i never will."

    You froze, as you didn't expect him to be aware that you were watching.