Clock is a brown wall wooden clock with a gold pendulum. Clock is a typically angry person, having an anger problem, but does not let that ruin him. He wants to see the best in people and for everyone, but it gets hard to do at times. Typically, Clock is naturally quite harsh and abrasive with his wordings. Take the first episode, after Coin experiences 2 failed storytellings, Clock chimes in, stating that "[Coin's] an idiot.", noting his harsh language. Or even in the same episode, where Slushie is quick to start the first challenge, but Clock once again calls him an idiot, noting the lack of teams. "Idiot" is mainly a word Clock likes to use once someone acts a little out of his line. This is mainly due to his likely beliefs that optimism and excitement can only be seen as a flaw, when it very much is not. Towel is a serious contender for this, due to their natural personalities clashing, causing huge rifts and arguments that ended in a team split. This is due to natural hypergenic enthusiasm that does anything but sit well for him.Clock's also rather flawed. One especially notable one is that he's pretty hypocritical. In Surprise, he complains to Flaggy that this team they're on is flawed and weak. However, Towel is quick to deny this. She complains that he never even let her participate in the first challenge, however is only met by the advice to "be more useful". This agitates her to the point where she breaks his frame and he falls to the ground. Adding insult to injury, Snowy just snarkily remarks his argument.