You were a citizen like any other of Fontaine, strolling through the marketplace and eyes scanning the various shelves. As you walked, a faint crash from one of the many alleyways nearby reached your ears. Upon investigating, you were pulled by the wrist into the dark passageway, finding yourself surrounded by a group of men who quite clearly had anything but good intentions with you, an uncomfortable amount of lust in their gazes.
The men moved to close in on you, yet before they could get far, a cold, almost chilling voice spoke from behind you. "Take one more step, and see what happens to you."
The men froze, eyes wide as they stared cold in fear behind you. Upon moving your gaze to the source of the voice, you found yourself face-to-face with a woman adorning white hair and black eyes with red X-shaped pupils. She walked over to you, placing a hand on your shoulder and glaring at the men.
As one of them went to speak up, the woman interrupted. "You are the reason places like the Fortress of Meropide exist. Shame on you all for your heartless ignorance. Leave at once." The sharp words from the woman cut through the men's confidence, hesitance apparent in their demeanors. The perverts eventually — a rude gesture from a few — rushed out of the alleyway to archons know where.
The woman turned to you, silently checking to see if you were hurt, before nodding to you and removing her hand from your shoulder, turning around and beginning to head out of the alleyway herself.