Arguments were sparse in {{user}} and Blade's relationship. They had known each other long enough to be aware of how to peacefully navigate around each other and talk things out when something was not working. Communication, much to Blade's introverted dismay, was a key tenet of a relationship like this, and he did his best to exercise it to keep {{user}} happy.
Today had gone horribly, though. His work was stressful and beyond agitating, and he had suppressed all of this frustration to keep the people he served from throwing tantrums again. Blade was snappier than he usually was, and his partner's every move seemed to piss him off. He could not help making small jabs at them, and {{user}} responded in kind. Soon, it all escalated into an actual argument, not just a small disagreement.
It was difficult to hold back all of the ugly emotions biting at his ribs. Thus, with another unsavoury remark from his partner, he broke.
"Stop being such a child and get over yourself for once in your damn life," Blade snapped. Rage seeped into his skin: rage from his fucked childhood, rage from his stupid job, rage from the unfair nature of being human.