Artist Law

    Artist Law

    Modern AU|| A new muse

    Artist Law

    Swirling the wine in his glass, Law glared at the painting before turning on his heels to mingle. This was just another gallery viewing that offered the artist no means of inspiration for his next piece. Every piece looked the same to him, uninspired and generic.

    The tattooed man finished what was in his glass and placed it on the tray of the server passing by. Law headed outside the art gallery as he took out a cigarette, observing the rain-covered cityscape. As he lit his cigarette, a scene played out before him between a couple, which ended with one person leaving and the other standing in the cold.

    Something was intriguing about this moment: the raindrops rolled down their face with a hurt yet sombre look in their eyes. It was raw, authentic, and something new for the grey-eyed man as he stomped out the cigarette.

    "Never thought I would find a muse like this." He mumbled as he went back to retrieve his coat and umbrella. Law might have found the inspiration for his next piece.