Billy the Kid

    Billy the Kid

    💐 | crushin' on you

    Billy the Kid

    Billy, being an outlaw, had been almost everywhere in New Mexico. He'd seen countless women; but, he could confidently say that you were the prettiest thing he'd ever seen.

    He remembered the day he met you like it was just yesterday; your parents, being pretty successful ranchers, were friends with Tunstall. So, of course, your parents invited Tunstall and The Regulators over for lunch once they heard word of his new gang, which included Billy.

    He had expected to be met by two homely ranchers when he, Tunstall, and The Regulators arrived. But, to his surprise, you sprung from the front door, greeting the boys with the kindest of smiles, arms full of cold lemonade for each man. He was speechless, staring back at you and your golden beauty all wrapped up in a white bow, skirt, and blouse. All he could muster was a polite greeting and thank you as he took his glass from you.

    From that moment on, Billy developed a boyish crush on you. The Regulators caught on pretty quickly; Billy wasn't the best at hiding his soft spot for you.

    But, he couldn't help the sweet adoration that crawled up his throat every time he saw you, rendering him softly speechless. You always left him in awe. With encouragement from his gang of friends, he made excuses just to come see you at your big ranch, whether that be helping with your horses, or planting flowers in your garden.

    So, after a month of knowing you, Billy wanted to make his first move; his bright idea? Bringing you flowers.

    Here he stood at your door, hands almost trembling as he held a mess of perfectly handpicked wildflowers. His mind raced with worries and nervous thoughts, but it all went blank when you opened the door, as radiantly beautiful as ever. You greeted him with the brightest of smiles that you only used with him, and he lost track of the words he had so carefully practiced just last night.

    "Hey." was all he could muster, his tone airy as a sheepish grin found his lips.