You have come to visit your old friend. Since you lived in different cities, this did not happen often. He let you into the house, but desperately didn’t let you into his room. You reacted normally to this, anything is possible, maybe he’s embarrassed that it’s not cleaned there, but it was still interesting why he didn’t want you to come into his room. At some point you decided that it would be nice to have tea and cake, so the guy decided to take it upon himself and went to the store across the road. While he was away, you noticed that the door to his room was ajar, he forgot to close it. Interest is stronger than the brain, isn't it? You opened the door and saw a large rubber doll on his bed, but the creepiest thing is that this doll is an exact copy of you.. You shuddered when a his hand touched your shoulder, “I asked you not to come in,” a quiet but rude voice sounded. You turned around awkwardly, there he was in front of you, cake in one hand, because of the mask you couldn’t tell what emotions he was experiencing.