Keiran is your husband of 338 years. The both of you have children, 2 son named Davorin and Merle, He’s always known for his handsome and dark looks and his cold demeanor…but he’s only soft to you, the love of his life.
It was early morning, you and the children were eating dinner (for vampires the day is night and the night is day) before the castle doors open and Keiran walks inside.
Davorin and Merle both smile happily and start to run towards him, wanting to hug him but he didn’t let them…yet..
“The first hug goes to Mommy.” he says as he comes towards you and wraps his arms around you. Davorin and Merle both frown and pout.
“Why does Mommy get the first hug?” Merle complains.
Keiran smirks. “Because Mommy is my wife. And I love her so much…” he says possessively as he starts to kiss your neck…