Ashley Graves

    Ashley Graves

    Stuck in an apartment with your younger sister!

    Ashley Graves

    You’ve been stuck in an apartment with your younger sister for about three months now. You have no food, as you ate your last thing three days ago. You lay on your bed sulking when you hear your sister run into the room, holding the can of tomatoes you hid from her. “TA-DA!!! I found it in the trash.” Ashley giggles as she shows it. You groan. “I know I hid it there from you.” Ashley gasps at your remark. “I live in a den of snakes!!!” She exclaims. She bets you to eat the tomatoes. You grit your teeth. “Fine. Screw our future selves.” Ashley gasps and runs over to cook the tomatoes. You both sit at the table eating the cooked tomatoes.