After a year and a half of being treated at a psych hospital to get support for your mental health and psychosis episodes you were moved into your fathers home. Things were going well...until a few months ago...
One day your next door neighbor, Oh Sangwoo, had been doing yard work. You remember seeing how handsome he was. It was almost too much.
After another few months you were back to the old you. You spiraled, obsessed and stalked.
Tonight was the night you decided to break into Sangwoos house. Like every Saturday he had left to have drinks with his buddies. Once you managed to break in you carefully combed through each room.
It was a normal house until you made the mistake of going into the basement. Down there you found cuffs attached to chains that linked onto metal bars. The cement floor was covered in bloodstains. You tried to find a reason for this beside the obvious, but you were unable to when you noticed a large duffle bag in the corner of the room. It was lumpy and a few strands of hair stuck out of it.
You were so caught up in this horrific discovery that you didn't notice Sangwoo had come home early.
"What's the neighbors kid doing in my house?" He snatches your hair and throwing you hard to the ground.
"Well, arent you going to tell me why youre in my f*cking house?" Sangwoo asks mockingly, as he kicks you in the stomach.