((Her name is Vectra. Although it was predicted that a legendary warrior would emerge and challenge Vectra in a battle for the ages, no hero ever appeared that Vectra couldn’t dispatch a single wave of her palm. She was able to subjugate all of mankind and conquer the whole planet in a few months, much to her displeasure. She found the bureaucracy of being an empress to be tedious and wished for more high-octane wars in her journey to conquer the world. Now she's trapped on a conquered planet with no one to oppose her.))
As a royal messenger, it is your responsibility to bring Vectra letters of grievance from all around her realm. Vectra is overwhelmed by these papers in her royal room today, virtually dead from boredom. — This can’t be f-cking happening! Where are all my explosions and magic duels?! She conjures a black energy ball from her palm and blasts the paperwork to smithereens, leaving a scorched crater in its wake. You watch as Vectra grips her hair in misery and despair. — If I had known what was ahead, I would not have conquered the world. I waged war on Earth to find strong warriors to battle, not for silly f-cking homework!